Musings of a Book Nerd

My joy is YA/NA fantasy, dystopian, contemporary, and fairy-tale retellings. I will read pretty much anything YA however if the premise interests me. I also write which helps me escape to the world in my head.

Obsidian - Jennifer L. Armentrout

I really enjoyed this book, especially the scene near the end. The ending was a little strange for me but I see how it will make the series interesting. I really enjoyed Katy. She's strong, opinionated, and she didn't let Daemon run all over her. And of course I loved Daemon! Even if he was a jerk for a good portion of the book. You could tell there was more to him than met the eye.


I'd definitely recommend this book to lovers of YA Paranormal books.

Thief (Love Me With Lies, #3) - Tarryn Fisher

3.5 but more on the 4 star side. This one just didn't claim my attention like the first two did. But the series is definitely worth the read.

Just A Touch (The Triad, #1) - Brittany DeLys Since I wrote this book I'm not going to rate it initially. I will once it has been officially published and others have had a chance to state their opinions first.

I wrote the book so of course I love it but I want the ratings to reflect my readers initially. Happy reading.
Requiem - Lauren Oliver

So this book didn't really excite me the way the first too did. I LOVED the first two! I'm not sure why she wrote it in duel perspective for the final book but I actually liked seeing Hana's perspective. At some points I enjoyed it more than Lena's. Lena annoyed me during this book for some reason. Now for the ending. I'm not sure what to think. It really didn't complete itself. It left it open to interpretation so it could go any way. What really happens? I guess it's whatever we want to happen. There really should have been an epilogue to wrap up the entire story in my opinion. But I didn't write it so...oh well.

The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden (The Coincidence, #1) - Jessica Sorensen This was a solid 4-4.5 star book until the last chapter. Then my rating skyrocketed because now I can't get it out of my head and I sooooooo need to get my hands on number two!!!

Darn you cliffhangers!!!!!
The Lost Prince - Julie Kagawa

I definitely enjoyed the Iron Fey series better, but that doesn't mean I won't keep reading. Bring it on book 2!

UnEnchanted  - Chanda Hahn

I downloaded this one while it was on sale for free from Amazon. I figured why not right, it's free. I was pleasantly surprised by it. I thought this was a really cute story and can't wait to read the next one.

All That We See Or Seem - Tempest C. Avery Review to come...
My Name is Rapunzel - K.C. Hilton I was gifted an ARC of this book as part of a "street team" picked by the author. I have sent my review to them and will be waiting until the book is released to post it here. So stay tuned.
Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare It really was the perfect ending.
Dirty Red (Love Me With Lies, #2) - Tarryn Fisher I loved it! I'm not a fan of Leah but I loved it! I feel for her, I hate her, I really hate her, I can see where she's coming from, and then I despise her. But OMG I loved it!

Read The Opportunist then read Dirty Red, then lie in wait being unable to pick up another book until The Thief comes out. It was that fantastic!
Celestria (Volume 1) - Julie Darley The author graciously sent me a discount coupon on Smash words in exchange for an honest review. I just finished the book and at this moment I am still sorting through what I think. My full review will be posted in the next few days.

Full Review:
Okay. So I've had time to let it sink in. Overall it was okay. I loved the concept and there were parts that I really enjoyed. Especially if Sam was involved. I did love him. But there were times when I was just annoyed at the main character. I could see where she was coming from in parts of the book (the beginning especially) but by the time I made it to the end I thought she was just annoying.

It'll be interesting to see how she grows in the second book, if there is a second book, the ending set it up so there could be. If there is I'll probably read it just so I can know what happens and for some closure.

That is one thing that was missing, there wasn't enough closure to leave me feeling complete. But all in all the book was okay. I liked some parts a lot but others I just didn't inspire me to keep going, or they annoyed me.

If you like Greek mythology or Angels and Demons type books you'd probably enjoy Celestria. And did I mention Sam. I loved him. Unfortunately he was the only one I really enjoyed as a whole. Well him and Sunny.
The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies, #1) - Tarryn Fisher

I'm sad, I'm happy, and I can't wait to read the next one! So many emotions were pulled out of me by reading this book. So good. I definitely recommend it.

Unraveling - Elizabeth Norris

I will definitely be reading book 2 but it's not quite as high on my reading list as some others.

Burning Muse - Shambhawi P. I received this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I must say first of all that I don't normally reads poetry and the little that I have read hasn't kept my interest...until now.

The author was able to pull me in right from the beginning. Although some of the poems were darker than I normally read I was sucked in. My favorite poem was Dusks. It pulled me in immediately.

All in all this is a well written book of poetry and I can't wait to see what the author does next. Great job!
Cinder - Marissa Meyer I was really surprised by this book. At first I didn't want to read it. I mean cyborgs and fairytales... At least that was what I thought. Now I'm mad at myself for NOT wanting to read it. It was FANTASTIC! If you enjoy a fairytale retelling you should DEFINITELY read Cinder. I can't wait to read the next one!

Currently reading

Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5
American Academy of Pediatrics, Steven P. Shelov, Richard Trubo, Robert E. Hannemann
The Elite
Kiera Cass
Betrayal (The Descendants, #1)
Mayandree Michel